Saturday, July 24, 2010

Source Evaluation

Greenwald, Anthony. "The Totalitarian Ego Fabrication and Revision of Personal History." American Psychologist 35.7 (1980): n. pg. Web. 18 July 2010.
This journal speaks about different segments of totalitarianism and things that have happened in history. It expresses the feelings behind certain issues and what they have instilled in certain times and people. I am going to use this in my essay to give the reader a description of what certain ways of totalitarianism does to an individual and their feelings.

Meerloo, Joost. "The Rape of the Mind." The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing. World Publishing Company, 1956. Web. 18 Jul 2010. .
“The Rape of the Mind” is a site that is based on sharing techniques that are used to create
“thought control.” Meerlo explains the very basics and the information on how each technique correlates with how this takes over one’s mind. It gives a breakdown of each technique and the reasoning on why it can affect one’s mind.
Joost Meerlo wrote this article in 1956. He is a psychologist who specialized in Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing. This particular article is useful even though it is dated for this research because totalitarian thought control has happened in history way before this time. This has been in effect in history dated back to Hitler times. The author uses many sources and sites them in his writing. The article seems to be filled with quality information.

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